Beyond typical car repairs...

We specialize in performance builds. 

Practicality isn't what we're going for. 

Auto Services

Repairs, Upgrades, and Custom Builds


General Labor & Installations

Mechanical Diagnostic

Porting & Engine Building



Car Repairs & Installations

Brake Service - Upgrades, Repair, and Replacements
Engine Tuning, Repair, and Replacements
Exhaust Systems & Catalytic Converters
Suspension, Shocks, Struts, etc.
Timing Belt/Chain Replacement
Water Pump Replacement
Transmission Replacement and Service
Computer Diagnostics (Check Engine, etc.)
Alarm and Sound System Installation
Cooling System Service (Radiators, etc.)

Selling Your Car or Need to get it Smogged?

We'll Get Your Car Back to Stock...


These are our latest projects

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